Name: Park_boundary
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This is an Arc/Info coverage containing one polygon representing the boundary (current as of April 2002) of Zion National Park, Utah. This coverage is in NAD 83.
Copyright Text:
Min. Scale: 0
Max. Scale: 0
Default Visibility: true
Max Record Count: 1000
Supported query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Use Standardized Queries: True
XMin: 302924.4892
YMin: 4112244.2437
XMax: 334735.4533
YMax: 4153078.7811
Spatial Reference: PROJCS["NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_12N",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-111.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]],VERTCS["Unknown VCS",VDATUM["Unknown"],PARAMETER["Vertical_Shift",0.0],PARAMETER["Direction",1.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]
Drawing Info:
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Has Attachments: false
Has Geometry Properties: false
HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText
Object ID Field: OBJECTID
Unique ID Field:
IsSystemMaintained : True
Global ID Field: GlobalID
Type ID Field:
- OBJECTID (type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 0, nullable: false, editable: false)
- AREA (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: AREA, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- PERIMETER (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: PERIMETER, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- ZION_BNDRY_ (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: ZION_BNDRY_, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- ZION_BNDRY_ID (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: ZION_BNDRY_ID, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- REV_DATE (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: REV_DATE, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 24, nullable: true, editable: true)
- ACRES (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: ACRES, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- NAME (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: NAME, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 36, nullable: true, editable: true)
- GlobalID (type: esriFieldTypeGlobalID, alias: GlobalID, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 38, nullable: false, editable: false)
Name: Park_boundary
Drawing Tool: esriFeatureEditToolPolygon
Is Data Versioned: false
Has Contingent Values: false
Supports Rollback On Failure Parameter: true
Last Edit Date: 8/13/2015 9:59:20 PM
Schema Last Edit Date: 8/13/2015 9:59:20 PM
Data Last Edit Date: 8/13/2015 9:59:20 PM
Supported Operations:
Query Top Features
Query Analytic
Query Bins
Update Features
Apply Edits
Generate Renderer
Validate SQL
Get Estimates