ArcGIS REST Services Directory

VillageBoundaries2022 (FeatureServer)

View In:   Map Viewer

Service Description: Community Based Organization Volunteer Rideshare boundaries.

Service ItemId: 17ddee48af89411a943f66a95920d6af

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 1000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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This layer services the following app CBO Rideshares. The only layer published in this service is the CBO_rideshare layer.

CBO boundaries created using base layers GISMGR.ROADWAYS and GISMGR.PARCELS.

Copyright Text: Fairfax County, VA

Spatial Reference: 102746 (2283)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriFeet

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates