Description: This layer was created by combining the following 2017 planimetric features into a single, countywide layer: major transportation, minor transportation, sidewalk centerlines buffered based on width attribute, buildings and paved recreational features such as tennis courts and basketball courts, tracks, pathways, airport runways/taxiways. All features were digitized or verified from 2017 aerial photography. Note: the number and types of features captured in 2017 differ significantly from the last capture in 2009. Care should be taken when comparing the data from these two dates. Please use aerial photography to confirm changes.Contact: Fairfax County GIS Division Data Accessibility: Publicly available Update frequency: As needed Creation date: 2/24/2022Layer name: GISMGR.COUNTY_IMPERVIOUS_2017
Copyright Text: Fairfax County, Virginia; Fairfax County Department of Information Technology GIS Division, Avineon Inc. and Timmons Group