Description: County Stormwater Management is dedicated to protecting and restoring our vital natural resources through the implementation of stormwater management projects throughout the county. This layer contains all active and completed projects.Contact: DPWES GIS ServicesData Accessibility: Update Frequency: WeeklyCreation Date: 1/1/2001Layer Name: STWMGR.STW_Projects Feature Dataset Name: STWMGR.STW_PROJECTS
Description: The layer is intended to spatially represent the location and extent of stormwater control and water quality improvement projects that have not been implemented. In this phase, the PWMPPL will store only projects whose extents are contained by the county’s subwatershed layer.The PWMPPL also stores attribute information for each project that is not managed elsewhere within the county, as well as key linkage attributes to allow records in the layer to be associated with records in ProRATA Share, EPM, EAM, and the Work Plan Prioritization system. In many cases, the Project ID number will be the key attribute to data in other systems.Contact: DPWES GIS ServicesData Accessibility: For internal county usage only. Prior permission is necessary to share with external data requestors.Update Frequency: Bi-weekly Creation Date: 6/17/2008Layer Name: STW_PWMPPLFeature Dataset Name: STW_PROJECTS