Service Description: EHPLVTRN contains Piping Plover and Least Tern nesting, feeding, and brood-rearing areas identified and mapped as Essential Habitat by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW).
Service ItemId: 584f6b86265042fd89edb2999834fd76
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 4000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: Essential Wildlife Habitats are areas currently or historically providing physical or biological features essential to the conservation of an endangered or threatened species in Maine and which may require special management considerations. As required under the Maine Endangered Species Act, a state agency or municipal government shall not permit, license, fund or carry out projects that will significantly alter an Essential Habitat or violate protection guidelines adopted for the habitat. Landowners, project planners, municipalities or state agencies considering a project in or near an Essential Habitat should immediately contact an MDIFW Regional Wildlife Biologist for assistance.
Essential Wildlife Habitat pertains only to definitions under Maine's endangered species laws (12 MRSA, Chapter 713, Subchapter V, Sections 7754 and 7755-A) and regulations (MDIFW Rules, Chapter 8.05). Information about and mapped locations of other endangered and threatened species habitats, "Significant Wildlife Habitat" (38 MRSA, Chapter 3, Subchapter 1, Section 480-B).
Piping plover (PIPL) and least tern (LETE) essential habitat (EH) focuses on coastal wetlands and sand dune systems to maintain nesting, feeding, and brood-rearing habitats essential to conserving these species and to minimize human-related disturbance that can cause nest failure. "Nesting" means the presence of at least one PIPL/LETE nest, egg, or chick. A "Nesting, feeding and brood-rearing area" is a locality encompassing portions of coastal wetlands and coastal sand dune systems (including subtidal, intertidal, beach, and associated salt marshes and wetlands) and is used by at least one pair of nesting PIPL/LETE. Areas identified and mapped as essential habitat must have a record of nesting by at least one pair of piping plovers or least terns during the most recent 10 years and the lack of occupancy is not related to predation or competition from other species, or to any human-related activity. The area must be considered essential to the achievement of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) management goals and objectives for piping plovers or least terns. This dataset contains locations for 15 PIPL/LETE nesting, feeding, and brood-rearing areas identified and mapped as essential habitat by the MDIFW.
In support of Maine's Endangered Species Act (MESA), this dataset was developed to designate essential habitat for piping plovers and least terns. This designation provides special protection essential to the conservation of these species by maintaining nesting, feeding, and brood-rearing habitats and minimizing human-related disturbance that can cause nesting failure. Protection is focused on the coastal wetlands and coastal sand dune systems used by nesting piping plovers or least terns.
Copyright Text: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Spatial Reference: 26919 (26919)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 340396.502058115
YMin: 4807587.47190898
XMax: 471956.734841884
YMax: 4852806.88597
Spatial Reference: 26919 (26919)
Full Extent:
XMin: 370335.6859
YMin: 4789140.0064
XMax: 442017.551
YMax: 4849775.1298
Spatial Reference: 26919 (26919)
Units: esriMeters
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