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Dataset displaying the centre lines of public roads and footways in the city of Hobart. The dataset is not definitive and was primarily compiled as a front page to the corporate GIS.
The roads are categorised as either arterial, collector or private roads. Public paths and footways are defined separately. The categories is as defined by Road And Traffic Engineering business unit.
The data was compiled by "heads up" screen digitising directly into the GIS, using the Council’s Detail plan data as reference. The reference data was compiled from 1:500 plans, and contained the road formation details and property boundaries.
Attribute data is stored in the GISCorp database table "ROADS_Centre_Lines" and comprises of:
Field Description
road_number number that links to database table road_names that holds the name of the road
road_direction A flag as to whether the road is one or two ways
road_class The InfomasterGIS class, defining if the link is an arterial, collector, local road, cycleway or path
rd_lanes The total number of traffic lanes. dataset is not complete
rd_barriers A description of any barriers within the link. The field is not populated
rd_rest Description of any restrictions in place on the link. Not populated
speed_limit Numeric value of the predominant speed limit for the link
This dataset is referenced in the applications, "Road Traffic accidents", Road Traffic Counts" and the "Generic Find Tool - Roads". The dataset is also available as a discreet entity.