ArcGIS REST Services Directory

ONSPD_Online_Latest_Centroids (MapServer)

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Current Version
Service Description: Postcode Latest Centroids


This file contains the digital vector centroids for the National Statistics Postcode Directory in the UK as at February 2025.

The centroids are of every live and terminated postcode in the United Kingdom

Contains both Ordnance Survey and ONS Intellectual Property Rights.

Metadata URI:
Keywords: ONSPD, Postcodes, LATEST, CTD_ONSPD, Latest_Centroids, Boundaries, Environment, Location, Administrative units

Map Name: ONSPD_Online_Latest_Centroids

Capabilities: Map,ChangeTracking,TilesOnly,Tilemap


This file contains the digital vector centroids for the National Statistics Postcode Directory in the UK as at February 2025.

The centroids are of every live and terminated postcode in the United Kingdom

Contains both Ordnance Survey and ONS Intellectual Property Rights.

Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)


All Layers and Tables


Single Fused Map Cache: true

Export Tiles Allowed: False

Max Tiles Export Count: 100000

Cache on Demand: True

Tile Info:

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min. Scale: 144448

Max. Scale: 9027

Min LOD: 12

Max LOD: 16

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types:

Supported Operations:   Export Tiles