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Last Update: 02/2021
This datasets was was downloaded from the 2020 Census Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) page. All 2020 census boundaries are current to January 1, 2020. The Census Bureau will release the first set of corresponding demographic data in September 2021 (the 2020 Census Redistricting P.L. 94-171 Summary Files). Following that release, AGRC will append the demographic data to the existing 2020 geographies served on this page.
In Utah, “places” include cities, towns, metro townships, and census-designated places (CDPs). The first three are legal boundaries in Utah, representing incorporated places that provide governmental functions for a concentration of people. CDPs are statistical boundaries delineated by the Census Bureau. They provide data for recognizable places that are not legally incorporated.
Visit the SGID 2020 Census data pagefor more information.