Description: DOC Campsite dataset with attribution that comes from, and hence reflects the website content.Includes all Campsites and carries their status.Refreshed weekly and reflects the content on the website.Description of the dataset fields as below. NB Not all fields exist in all datasets.FIELD NAMESDescription of fieldaccessHow you can access the siteactivitiesThings you can do near the siteassetIdDOC organisation identifier.bikingTimeEstimated time to cycle the trackbookableIs it bookable?campsiteCategoryCategory of campsitecompletionTimeEstimated time to complete the trackdateLoadedToGISDate the contents were written into the GIS databasedifficultyThe Difficulty categories of the track. Multiple values possible, indicate varying difficulty along the length of the track. Please see the website for further details.dogsAllowedAre dogs allowed on site?facilitiesFacilities available on sitefreeIs it free?hasAlertsWhether there are alerts to do with the site or track?hutCategoryCategory of HutintroductionDescription of SiteintroductionThumbnailLink to thumbnail picturelandscapeAssociated landscape of sitelocationStringUser friendly description of PlacemountainBikingTrackWebPageLink to page on websitenameName of sitenumberOfBunksNumber of bunks in hutnumberOfPoweredSitesNumber of powered sites on campsitenumberOfUnpoweredSitesNumber of unpowered sites on campsiteplaceLocationproximityToRoadEndProximity to road end. Populated where it aids accessibilityregionRegion of New ZealandstaticLinkLink to page on websitestatusInidcation of whether the site is Open or Closed. Best to refer to website for associated alerts.walkingAndTrampingWebPageLink to page on website