Service Description: The Department of Natural Resources, Washington Geological Survey (WGS), actively identify, assess, and map landslide hazards using modern geotechnical and geophysical methods. Our hazard maps are critical for land-use and emergency-management planning, disaster response, and building-code amendments. As our population grows, there is increasing pressure to develop in hazardous areas, thus delineating these areas is imperative. In response to the Growth Management Act's mandate to use the 'best available science', our geologists meet with local governments and citizens in at-risk communities to educate about geologic hazards and ensure these hazards are taken into account while planning for growth-management and disasters. The WGS is also a first responder to natural disasters; helping staff the State Emergency Operations Center at Camp Murray and documenting damage in the field. Washington is also prone to landslides triggered by intense rainfall or earthquakes. According to Washington State legislative mandate RCW 43.92. ". . . the geological survey must conduct and maintain an assessment of seismic, landslide, and tsunami hazards in Washington. This assessment must include the identification and mapping of volcanic, seismic, landslide, and tsunami hazards, an estimation of potential consequences, and the likelihood of occurrence. The maintenance of this assessment must include technical assistance to state and local government agencies on the proper interpretation and application of the results of this assessment." WGS has designed and is implementing a GIS-based, statewide landslide database.
Service ItemId: b24bfb679af9438aa8b7657faf998fab
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: These data contain polygons defining the extent and characteristics of mapped landslides in the State of Washington. This dataset is a compilation of pre-existing landslide databases from several sources, including the Washington Geological Survey and Forest Practices, and other federal and private compilers. As such, the mapped landslides were originally created to meet a variety of purposes. It also includes more recent landslides mapped by the Washington Geological Survey. This compilation does not include all landslides that may exist in Washington State. Areas that overlap studies performed using the new landslide inventory mapping protocol have been split into a separate feature class in this geodatabase: superseded_landslide_compilation.
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -13690920.1761252
YMin: 6019701.31460337
XMax: -13594362.7159222
YMax: 6056682.8218611
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -13748617.9793828
YMin: 5899855.26703417
XMax: -13489878.4470505
YMax: 6214922.12183057
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
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