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Intent is to further analyze event disposition, probabilities, and risk, three datasets are needed. The first identifies the frequency of overthrown government or the number of coups over time. The Coup dataset was obtained through the referenced esri case study (ref 4.Source – 5). The data is comprised of historical uprising information, specifically number coup data, dating as far back as 1956. Currency of the data is 2017. Somewhat dated, the data can be updated; however, not much will change with final results, i.e., Sudan will lead the continent in number of Coup’s (24).
In addition to the Coup data, Armed Conflict Location & Event Data (ACLED) will be used. ACLED data is a collection of millions of point feature data available worldwide. Comprised of social media reports, government publications, and several other sources, it makes it possible for users to discover many variations of crisis-related events. For this exercise, the user focus will be on terrorism and protest events. The data is available within ArcGIS Online through esri's AidDevService (ref 4.Source – 3) or downloaded using the ACLED Data Explore Tool.