ArcGIS REST Services Directory

Highest_Vulnerability_Cascadia_Fault_CopyFeatures (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Following an earthquake, inspectors typically inspect buildings for safety using the ATC-20 Procedures for Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings. Green, yellow and red placards are placed on inspected buildings. The meaning of the color designation is as follows: Green Tagged Buildings: Inspected, no apparent structural hazards found. Lawful occupancy permitted. Yellow Tagged Buildings: Restricted use. The structure has been inspected and found to have damage, described on the placard. Written placard instructions indicate restrictions to entry, occupancy, and lawful use. Red Tagged Buildings: Unsafe. The structure has been inspected and been found to be seriously damaged and unsafe to occupy. (Note that a red placard does not indicate that demolition is ordered. The structure may be repairable.) (Paraphrased from the Applied Technology Council’s ATC 20 Procedures for Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings. For more information, see ATC 20.) Inspectors: The building damage layer also estimates inspectors needed to inspect and tag buildings following an earthquake. This estimate assumes one inspector will be needed for every 150 red tagged buildings, one inspector will be needed for every 75 yellow tagged buildings (as these are often more difficult to assess), and one inspector will be needed for every 150 green tagged buildings. Following large aftershocks, additional inspectors may be needed.

Service ItemId: 1cb05454e54a4525b16a612566a12f4f

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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The purpose of this data set is to show an estimate of the number of structures that will be damaged as a result of a modeled earthquake.

Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 2927 (2927)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriFeet

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates