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Home > services > British_Columbia_Parcels_in_Inundation_Extent (FeatureServer) | | API Reference |
Purpose: ParcelMap BC provides a single-source, up to date representation of titled and surveyed Crown land parcels in British Columbia. This provides for improved speed and efficiency of land-related research province-wide, facilitating planning and business decisions through the current spatial representation of a given parcel and its relationship to adjacent parcels. ParcelMap BC helps support faster and more accurate real property transactions while minimizing possible data discrepancies and confusion by reducing the need to consult separate spatial systems in British Columbia.
Notes: ParcelMap BC (PMBC) is the single, complete, trusted and sustainable electronic map of active titled parcels and surveyed provincial Crown land parcels in British Columbia. This particular dataset is a subset of the complete ParcelMap BC data and is comprised of the parcel fabric and attributes for over two million parcels published under the Open Government Licence - British Columbia. Notes: 1. Parcel title information is sourced from the BC Land Title Register. Title questions should be directed to a local [Land Title Office]( 2. The ParcelMap BC Parcel Fabric is expected to eventually replace the [Integrated Cadastral Fabric](
Suggested Filters:
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Interest Parcels: PARCEL_CLASS = 'Interest'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Crown Provincial: OWNER_TYPE = 'Crown Provincial'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Crown Agency: OWNER_TYPE = 'Crown Agency'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Untitled Provincial: OWNER_TYPE = 'Untitled Provincial'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Federal: OWNER_TYPE = 'Federal'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - First Nation: OWNER_TYPE = 'First Nation'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Municipal: OWNER_TYPE = 'Municipal'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Private: OWNER_TYPE = 'Private'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Mixed Ownership: OWNER_TYPE = 'Mixed Ownership'
PMBC Parcel Cadastre - Unclassified: OWNER_TYPE = 'Unclassified'
See how to apply filters.
WMS GetCapabilities URL: DataBC also offers access to this data in OGC WMS format. WMS is useful when the map author does not require custom popups, styling, or analytic capabilities for the layer. ArcGIS Online authors may want to use WMS, instead of this ArcGIS Server layer, in the following scenarios:
Where they want to use existing Data Custodian approved styling, and/or
They only need simple identify and map rendering functionality.
Copy the: WMS GetCapabilities URL to add this web item to an ArcGIS Online Map or Scene Viewer. In some cases, multiple Styles are listed in the GetCapabilities and can be added as WMS Custom parameters. For more information on how to use a WMS layer see - ESRI's OGC ArcGIS Online Help
BC Data Catalogue Metadata URL: