Description: This Historical North Atlantic and East-Central North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Tracks file contains the 6-hourly (0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 UTC) center locations and intensities for all subtropical depressions and storms, extratropical storms, tropical lows, waves, disturbances, depressions and storms, and all hurricanes, from 1851 through 2006. The origional data was modified by HRRC for the display in Texas Coastal Planning Atlas.
Description: SHELDUS is a county-level data set for the U.S. on 18 different natural hazard event types along with property and crop losses, injuries, and fatalities for the period January 1960 through December 2005. This data was modified by HRRC for the display in Texas Coastal Planning Atlas
Description: The map was developed from mapping done by the Rocky Mountain Fire Sciences Lab for the entire United States. Data for Texas was extracted from a raster grid and converted to shapefile format. The end map was an integration of 3 GIS data layers: housing density, potential fire exposure, and extreme weather potential. The origional data was modified by HRRC for the dispaly in Texas Coastal Planning Atlas.