Description: Resource Management Codes (RMCs) are intended to assist potential users of state-owned submerged lands with their project planning efforts. State and federal resource agencies assign two-letter codes to state-owned tracts in Texas bays and estuaries and Gulf of Mexico waters, representing development guidelines for certain activities within the tracts. The codes are designed to assist in and enhance protection of sensitive natural resources by recommendations for minimizing adverse impacts from mineral exploration and development activities. RMCs are based on the recommendations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Historical Commission, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The RMC data layer is based on the State-owned Submerged Tracts layer--survey information for tracts in submerged state-owned bays, estuaries, and the nearshore Gulf of Mexico.
Description: This is a point data set for the location of over 4300 MMS administered platform structures used for oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. Groups of platform structures connected by walkways form 'complexes.' There are approximately 3700 such complexes in these data. Attribute data including presence of a heliport, number of beds, storage tank presence, and ownership aggregated to the complex level is available through an accompanying database file [pogxplmstamms] that can be linked to the structures. Full operator contact information may be linked from another included database file [pogxplcomamms]
Description: Boundaries of offshore OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) blocks in the western Gulf of Mexico. These are federally owned waters managed by the Minerals Management Service. Coordinates were extracted from the MMS Technical Information Management System (TIMS), an Oracle database, by the MMS Survey Division in Denver, Colo. using AML and c programs and used to create the GIS spatial dataset.