Layer Estimates:
Layer: Percentage of healthcare workers by neighborhoods_1 (ID:0)
Count: 61
XMin: -10889334.0631056
YMin: 3526728.27121461
XMax: -10870613.0520724
YMax: 3556368.39263671
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Percentage of male computer science workers by neighborhoods_1 (ID:1)
Count: 61
XMin: -10889334.0631056
YMin: 3526728.27121461
XMax: -10870613.0520724
YMax: 3556368.39263671
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Percentage of female computer science workers by neighborhoods_1 (ID:2)
Count: 61
XMin: -10889334.0631056
YMin: 3526728.27121461
XMax: -10870613.0520724
YMax: 3556368.39263671
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)