Description: Gulf and bay shoreline of Texas classified by shoreline types coded for environmental sensitivity to oil/hazardous material spills and cleanup operations. Shoreline arc features extracted from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1992 National Wetland Inventory digital data files by Texas General Land Office. Environmental Sensitivity Index code values assigned by coastal geologists with the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology coastal geologists representing sensitivity to oil spills and ease of cleanup.
Description: Points representing occurrence/distribution of animals, plants and/or plant communities in areas adjacent to coastal bays and the Gulf of Mexico in Texas. Defined and digitized by Texas General Land Office personnel based on consultation with representatives of Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., General Land Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and more than 30 other public agencies, academic institutions, and private groups and citizens.
Description: Polygonal areas representing colonial waterbird (gulls, terns, wading birds) rookeries in Texas coastal counties and bays. Defined and digitized by Texas General Land Office personnel in cooperation with representatives of Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Texas Colonial Waterbird Society.
Description: To address the issues of concern, and in response to the requirements of the Coastal Coordination Act, the Coastal Coordination Council has designated Hard Substrate Reefs as coastal natural resource areas requiring special management under the Coastal Management Program and defined as naturally occuring hard substrate formations, such as rock outcrops or serpulid worm reefs (living or dead), in intertidal or subtidal areas that are discrete and contiguous.
Description: Polygonal areas adjacent to coastal bays and the Gulf of Mexico in Texas containing sensitive coastal habitats or species to be protected from oil spill contamination or response activities. Defined and digitized by Texas General Land Office personnel based on consultation with representatives of Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. and other public agencies, academic institutions, and private groups and citizens. More information about polygons is contained in supplementary hardcopy documents or text files at General Land Office.