Layer Estimates:
Layer: 5 Year Primary term, 12.5% Royalty (less than 200m water depth) (ID:0)
Count: 5
XMin: -10821536.2302
YMin: 2943384.6607
XMax: -9633734.2076
YMax: 3532992.5897
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: 5 Year Primary Term, 18.75% Royalty (200m to less than 400m water depth) (ID:1)
Count: 5
XMin: -10821536.2302
YMin: 2943384.6607
XMax: -9633734.2076
YMax: 3532992.5897
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: 5 Year Primary Term, 18.75% Royalty (400m to less than 800m) (ID:2)
Count: 5
XMin: -10821536.2302
YMin: 2943384.6607
XMax: -9633734.2076
YMax: 3532992.5897
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: 7 Year Primary Term, 18.75% Royalty (800m to less than 1600m) (ID:3)
Count: 5
XMin: -10821536.2302
YMin: 2943384.6607
XMax: -9633734.2076
YMax: 3532992.5897
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: 10 Year Primary Term, 18.75% Royalty Rate (1600m water depth and greater) (ID:4)
Count: 5
XMin: -10821536.2302
YMin: 2943384.6607
XMax: -9633734.2076
YMax: 3532992.5897
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Areas Withdrawn From Leasing (ID:5)
Count: 31
XMin: -20037507.0671792
YMin: 2182574.33384421
XMax: 20037507.0671792
YMax: 12930680.3567924
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)