Service Description: This polygon dataset was created in 08/2021 by the YELL Spatial Analysis Center to estimate the total developed area in Yellowstone National Park. See...
Service ItemId: e5816efd8b1f4059866ff35e553b0b98
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: This is a vector polygon dataset representing the Developed Areas features in Yellowstone National Park. This dataset is utilizing the updated Core Data Standard dated 08/10/2016. Following are the methods used to create this dataset. Proposed revisions to the 2016 Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy for the Grizzly Bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem led to the creation of developed area footprints. These footprints delineate the presence of existing infrastructure associated with developed sites within Grizzly Bear Primary Conservation Areas at the time of the analysis. The analysis was completed by Lisa Landenburger USDA, in 2018, who used the “Convex Hull geoprocessing algorithm (XTools Pro v.17.2 extension inside ArcGIS v.10.5.1 software)” to generate the polygons based on roads within the developed areas, using specific parameters according to the type of developed area. For more information about the methods used see the Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (in revision 2021). The Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy footprints within YNP were represented the primary developed areas used in this analysis. Paved roads in YNP were selected from INPYELLGIS\ YELL_All_Infrastructure\YELL_YCR_SAC_TRANS_roads_ln (Source: , YELL, YCR, Spatial Analysis Center 2006) and buffered by 10m on center. The 10 m buffered paved road polygon data was then clipped from the footprint polygon data. Additionally, parking lots and pullouts in YNP found in INPYELLGIS\ yell_infrastructure.DBO.yell_parking_lot_polygons (Source: , YELL, YCR, Spatial Analysis Center 2006) were also clipped from the footprint polygon data. The YNP paved roads and parking lot/pullout total areas reported below were calculated from the above datasets. The YNP developed area was calculated by subtracting overlapping 10 m buffered paved roads, parking lots and pullouts from the Grizzly Bear Conservation Strategy footprints within YNP and then summing the total remaining area. YNP Developed area = 4,594.10 acres; YNP paved roads area = 1,492.30 acres; YNP parking and pullouts area= 248 acres. This analysis was conducted by H. Williams NPS GIS specialist 08/17/2021 307-344-2219.
Copyright Text: National Park Service, IMR, Yellowstone National Park, YCR, SAC
Spatial Reference: 102059 (6341)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 415832.984903092
YMin: 4797585.9909398
XMax: 659630.299796201
YMax: 5067205.02969366
Spatial Reference: 102059 (6341)
Full Extent:
XMin: 492286.6233
YMin: 4886667.3409
XMax: 579381.0692
YMax: 4990185.4429
Spatial Reference: 102059 (6341)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
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