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UPDE_Parcels_NoPII (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Polygon representation of tax parcels and their attributes in the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River municipalities. No TaxID, owner and address are provided.

Service ItemId: d43085a0c30449108252d503ec67ab70

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 1000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

All Layers and Tables



Polygon representation of tax parcels and their attributes in municipalities proximate to the the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River within the counties of Delaware (NY), Sullivan (NY), Orange (NY), Wayne (PA), and Pike (PA). Respective county data were acquired in November 2018 by J. Claster during the routine data update process. This seamless dataset reflects county data of the following vintages:


--Delaware: Parcels for Hancock only were obtained by J. Claster from Spencer Devaul, the County GIS specialist, with an edition date of 12/05/2018.

--Sullivan:   The 10/01/2018 edition of the County tax parcel shapefile was obtained by J. Claster in 2018 by direct download from the Sulllivan County Geoportal

--Orange:  In 2018, Orange County indicated no changes to parcel data. The data was obtained from J. Chester's UPDE_ProjectReviewData_2017 geodatabase prepared for UPDE by by J. Chester and Shippensburg University. The county-wide parcel shapefile with data edition date of 6/6/16 was obtained by J. Chester in 2017 from the Orange County, NY GIS Division data download website  Data were downloaded in 2 files, merged together, and reprojected from NAD83 State Plane New York East to the NAD83 UTM Zone 18N planar reference system. No other metadata were provided by the county.  

--Wayne:  The 10/30/2018 edition of the County parcel shapefile was obtained by J. Claster in 2018 from the County GIS specialist Derek Williams.

--Pike:  6/12/2018 edition of the County parcel shapefile was obtained by J. Claster in 2018 via FTP transfer from Pike County's GIS consultant Civil Solutions (contact person is Calen Daugherty).

Because each of the five county parcel datasets lack consistency in attribute structure and naming, a new consolidated set of attributes are necessary for effective and efficient use of the data. To create this simplified dataset, five new fields were created in each of the respective parcel attribute tables. These fields, listed below, copy original county data and save them to a set of new, consistently named attribute fields.


Records equal those in the field designated by the county as containing the parcel ID

·        Delaware: PRINT_KEY

·        Sullivan: PrintKey

·        Orange: PRINT_KEY

·        Wayne: TAXMAPNO_1

·        Pike: MAP_JOIN


Records equal those in the field designated by the county as containing the parcel size, in acres

·        Delaware: ACRES

·        Sullivan: Acreage

·        Orange: ACRES

·        Wayne: GISACRE

·        Pike: Acreage


Records equal those in the field designated by the county as containing land owner information

·        Delaware: OWNER1

·        Sullivan: N/A

·        Orange: N/A

·        Wayne: FullName

·        Pike: Name

--County_Sub (county subdivisions, i.e. municipalities)

Records equal those in the field designated by the county as containing the municipality in which a parcel is located

·        Delaware: Hancock was the only municiaplity provided, so field was calculated to equal 'Hancock'

·        Sullivan: SWIScode; where 'Cochecton' if SWIScode='482400, 'Delaware' if SWIScode='482600, 'Fremont' if SWIScode='483200, 'Highland' if SWIScode='483400, 'Lumberland' if SWIScode='483800', and 'Tusten' if SWIScode='484800',

·        Orange: Town; where 'Deerpark' if Town='Town of Deerpark'

·        Wayne:District; where 'Buckingham' if District=03, 'Manchester' if District=15, 'Damascus' if District=07, and 'Berlin' if District=01

·        Pike: MUNICIPALI; where 'Lackawaxen' if MUNICIPALI='LACKAWAXEN TWP', 'Shohola' if MUNICIPALI='SHOHOLA TWP', and 'Westfall' if MUNICIPALI='WESTFALL TWP'


Records equal to the respective county name


Because the NPS policies to restrict Personal Identifiable Information (PII) for publishing, this dataset was published without the following attributes: Parcel’s TaxID and Owner Name. The parcel ID was substituted by a completely different code (FkID). In order to identify the correct TaxID of a parcel, the user has to use a specific Cross-Table which is provided to the registered UPDE App users.

Copyright Text: These data are provided courtesy of the respective county GIS offices or their consultants.

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates