Service Description: The dynamic nature of coastal barriers such as the Sandy Hook Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area is a defining characteristic, influencing nearly every aspect of their ecology. Fundamentally disturbance driven systems, barrier islands and their endemic biota are continually shaped by physical forces on a time scale vastly accelerated in comparison to mainland systems. Because of the rapid pace and scope of change, long term monitoring is crucial towards understanding natural barrier island conditions as well as anthropogenic influences. This appended shoreline dataset was created to aid in data use and distribution. Shorelines are also stored and available as individual line shapefiles, which are available through contacting the NCBN data manager(dennis_skidds
Service ItemId: 137b150b6f9f47d49ded2a5e01436acb
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: These data represent a series of mean high water shorelines collected at the Sandy Hook Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area (GATE), appended into one personal geodatabase. The features have been assembled / collected in support of the Northeast Coastal & Barrier Inventory and Monitoring Network's Ocean Shoreline Position Monitoring Program. The shoreline surveys are collected using a Trimble ProXR, GeoXT, or GeoXH GPS receiver mounted on an ATV, and range in dates from August of 1993 to the most recent updated survey. Depending on the time of year and intended purpose, some surveys contain ocean, inlet and bay shorelines, while some surveys only contain ocean shorelines. Additionally, some surveys collected prior to 2003 do not contain FGDC-compliant metadata records.
Copyright Text: NCBN
Spatial Reference: 26918 (26918)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 571756.184559909
YMin: 4469128.26981823
XMax: 602123.243758324
YMax: 4486243.13827546
Spatial Reference: 26918 (26918)
Full Extent:
XMin: 583092.036904515
YMin: 4471921.01546831
XMax: 587034.397603219
YMax: 4481733.41416492
Spatial Reference: 26918 (26918)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
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