Description: Primary rivers that serve in and out the Parks. This feature class contains a complete system of rivers and streams that flow through SEKI. The layer was compiled using the drainages flow lines from the National Hydrologic Dataset.
Copyright Text: NHD; National Park Service; Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Description: Wet Meadows and Fens Feature Class of SEKI indentifies and classifies all target wetlands (wet meadows and fens) >0.5 hectare in the parks. Classifications are as follows: a wet meadow is a wetland that does not include any peat accumulation or may contain up to a 25x25 square meter area of peat accumulation; a fen-meadow complex is a wetland that includes at least at 25x25 square meter area of peat-accumulating and non-peat-accumulating soil; a fen contains less than 25x25 square meter area of non-peat-accumulating soil.
Copyright Text: National Park Service; Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Description: This data set was developed for cartographic purposes. It simplifies the major ecological zones (ecozones) layer for use in mapping at small scales (1:500,000). At larger scales, the original Ecozones dataset should be used for improved accuracy. The ecozones are described by distinct assemblages of natural communities and plant species. The original ecozones are derived from the SEKI vegetation map in consultation with the parks' plant ecologist. SEKI’s vegetation map was produced from 2000-2001 aerial photography upon which 172 vegetation classes were identified and over 80,000 vegetation polygons were delineated. SEKI’s final vegetation map was released in 2007. The plant alliances from the vegetation map were collapsed into four ecozones: Low Elevation Hardwoods and Chaparral, Montane, Subalpine, and Alpine. An elevation break of 10’000 feet was used to delineate alpine vegetation. The vegetation polygons were dissolved based on their newly assigned ecozone. Any remaining polygons less than or equal to 10 acres were dissolved into adjacent polygons. To fully understand the processing of the data an ArcGIS Toolbox, EcoZones.tbx, with 3 models exist that describe the inputs and processing used to create the final layer. These models can be found at EcoZonesThe
simplified ecozones were created by removing complexity from the original ecozones. The detailed polygons of the original layer were simplified, realigned to the original boundary of the parks, clipped, and edited for topological correctness. A full description of the processing can be found in a model saved in the ArcGIS Toolbox 'Simplification', found at J\seki\park_programs\Data\plants\vegetation\EcoZones\EcoZonesSimplified.gdb\Simplification
Copyright Text: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
{"renderer":{"type":"uniqueValue","field1":"Ecozone","uniqueValueGroups":[{"heading":"","classes":[{"label":"Low Elevation Hardwoods and Chaparral","description":"Low Elevation Hardwoods and Chaparral","symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[199,215,158,255],"outline":null},"values":[["Low Elevation Hardwoods and Chaparral"]]},{"label":"Montane","description":"Montane","symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[0,115,76,255],"outline":null},"values":[["Montane"]]},{"label":"Subalpine","description":"Subalpine","symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[150,194,120,255],"outline":null},"values":[["Subalpine"]]},{"label":"Alpine","description":"Alpine","symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[207,227,193,255],"outline":null},"values":[["Alpine"]]}]}],"uniqueValueInfos":[{"symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[199,215,158,255],"outline":null},"value":"Low Elevation Hardwoods and Chaparral","label":"Low Elevation Hardwoods and Chaparral"},{"symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[0,115,76,255],"outline":null},"value":"Montane","label":"Montane"},{"symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[150,194,120,255],"outline":null},"value":"Subalpine","label":"Subalpine"},{"symbol":{"type":"esriSFS","style":"esriSFSSolid","color":[207,227,193,255],"outline":null},"value":"Alpine","label":"Alpine"}],"fieldDelimiter":",","authoringInfo":{"colorRamp":{"type":"multipart","colorRamps":[{"type":"algorithmic","algorithm":"esriCIELabAlgorithm","fromColor":[62,161,207,255],"toColor":[241,250,122,255]},{"type":"algorithmic","algorithm":"esriCIELabAlgorithm","fromColor":[241,250,122,255],"toColor":[240,36,29,255]}]}}},"scaleSymbols":true,"transparency":30,"labelingInfo":null}
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Has Attachments: false
Has Geometry Properties: true
HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText
Description: The Vegetation Map of SEKI was produced over an eight year period (2000-2007) to describe and map the vascular plant associations of the two southern Sierra Nevada national parks. Over 80,000 individual vegetation polygons are mapped to 172 vegetation classes. Overall spatial accuracy of the resulting map products is equivalent to 1:24000 National Map Accuracy Standards.
Copyright Text: USGS; National Park Service; Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks