Description: PRELIMINARY DATA IN DEVELOPMENT. These data consist of locations of existing public trailheads and trail access points from a comprehensive trail database of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and surrounding park lands, developed for the Interagency Regional Trail Management Plan (in progress). Trailheads and attributes were mapped through field survey with differential GPS, onscreen digitizing of ortho-rectified aerial photography, and digitizing of existing hardcopy maps and checked in the field. NOTE that trailhead status and attributes may change over time and these data represent one point in time. Care should be taken in representing these trailheads on maps or relying on these data without further examination. Only fields likely to be of general interest are included and users should be aware that much of the attribute data are not complete. This is a subset of the full dataset. This baseline data set will be revised as a result of the TMP. Enquire about updated data after release of draft TMP, expected January 2019.
Copyright Text: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, National Park Service