Description: Geometry edits were completed in March 2023 to remove invalid geometry, duplicate road slivers, and non-planarized segments. This feature class will provide the foundation for road treatment planning for the Redwoods Rising GPC project area. The linework of skid trails and haul roads is developed from a combination of georeferenced air photos (pre 1978), gps tracks and waypoints and heads-up digitizing visible road benches in the lidar-derived shaded relief. This feature class is paired with PLAN_RRPC_Roads_RoadsToEvaluate_rt.Lines are prepared for routing by flipping all arcs for a given road in a consistent direction, adding a RouteName for all segments, and attributing the starting position of the initial node of the first line segment (LL, UL, LR, UR) to route the entire road. Linework is routed in feet via a model located in the DataDevelopment sub-directory of 512/_Roads/DataDevelopment/. the model selects all segments with the same starting position, and routes them in feet; then combines routed segments of the 4 different starting positions and replaces existing linework in redw.sde in PLAN_RRPC_Roads_RoadsToEvaluate_rt. Event tables are maintained on the routed feature class covering work units and treatment status and at least annually these event tables are converted via event to line to a feature class with the suffix _YYYY.