Description: Giant Sequoia grove locations are well described and their approximate delineations have been used for analysis work for years with the Administrative Grove Boundary (AGB) dataset. These AGB polygons were exaggerated for a variety of reasons and led to erroneous analysis results. An explicit delineation of SEGI populations was needed, especially as the range of the tree is exposed to increased threats instigated by a mega-drought not seen in the region in over a milennia. This dataset addresses that need across the entire range of SEGI, from Placer Big Trees south to Deer Creek. While some 70+ 'Groves' are recognized with the AGB dataset, the historic naming conventions of groves lost to generalization have been reapplied for this work. There are 92 Groves and four Stoic Trees as of 2023 covering 25,861.69 acres. To create the boundary linework, individual SEGI points were identified, both remotely and in the field. In the case of the Sequoia Kings-Canyon National Park Map Units, the historic Sequoia Tree Inventory (STI) dataset dictated the boundary shape. Elsewhere, Observed Tree Inventory (OTI) points guided the boundary formation. Only the Tule River Reservation groves do not have an STI/OTI dataset.
Copyright Text: USDA US Forest Service Southwest Region Information Management Mapping and Remote Sensing Team, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Bureau of Land Management, Save the Redwoods League & University of California