Description: <div style="text-align:Left;"><p>This feature layer contains polygon data for boundaries of the 88 ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes National Park units. These boundaries were used for geospatial data calculations in association with the NPS Natural Resource Report titled “Shoreline Length and Water Area in the Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Parks (Second Edition): Updated Statistics for Shoreline Miles and Water Acres” (Winchell et al., 2024), which is an update to the original report (Curdts, 2011). Park boundaries were provided by NPS Land Resources Division (LRD) and are accessible via NPS DataStore (with a few exceptions as noted within the attribute table). The LRD boundary data used in this layer was last updated December 31, 2022.<span>edback from the park unit. </span></p></div>
Copyright Text: Land Resources Division (LRD) and individual park units of the National Park Service (NPS).