Name: NPS Boundaries within Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Display Field: GROUP_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Is View: true
Is Updatable View: true
Source Schema Changes Allowed: true
Description: Land under National Park Service jurisdiction within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. These areas fall under the Department of Interior Unified Region 1: North Atlantic-Appalachian, and includes the following National Park Service Regions, National Capital Region, Northeast Region, and Southeast Region. The park units span the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. This dataset is a combination of the National Capital Region Jurisdictional Boundaries Dataset and the Fee Tracts of the National Park Service Tracts Dataset. This dataset reflects Transfers of Jurisdiction (TOJs). This is a legal mechanism that gives the jurisdiction over an area from one federal agency to another federal agency, including the District of Columbia government. Areas that have been transferred may still appear in the NPS Tracts dataset as "in fee" because the legal ownership remains the United States of America. That legal ownership has not changed, but the agency within the federal government with jurisdiction over that land has changed. This dataset excludes areas that are no longer under National Park Service jurisdiction. In addition, it includes the administering or managing park unit, which may be different than the individual park unit or the legislated unit. The legislated unit is the park name specified in the enabling legislation, the creating executive order, or in special cases other legal mechanisms.