Name: Soil Pedon Locations
Display Field: OBJECTID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: This Feature Class is compiled from the National Soil Information System (NASIS) Data Set, prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
These are the locations of the soil observations (pedons) that were described by soil scientists in the making of the soil survey. These also contain the Typical Pedon, and the Soil Laboratory Pedon locations (if present)
A pedon is typically the smallest element of a soil landscape that can be observed and described. . Its depth limit is the somewhat arbitrary boundary between soil and “not soil” (e.g., bedrock). Its lateral dimensions must be large enough to permit a study of any horizons present—in general, an area from 1 to 10 square meters (10 to 100 square feet), depending on the variability of the soil, composes a pedon.
Copyright Text:
Min. Scale: 207900
Max. Scale: 0
Default Visibility: true
Max Record Count: 1000
Supported query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Use Standardized Queries: True
XMin: -13532132.6112651
YMin: 6154044.2858711
XMax: -13425020.1733211
YMax: 6276056.48815393
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Drawing Info:
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HasZ: false
HasM: false
Has Attachments: false
Has Geometry Properties: false
HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone
Object ID Field: OBJECTID
Unique ID Field:
IsSystemMaintained : True
Global ID Field:
Type ID Field: Legend_Grouping
- OBJECTID (type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 0, nullable: false, editable: false)
- peiid (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: peiid, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- usiteid (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: usiteid, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 60, nullable: true, editable: true)
- soinmascorr (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: soinmascorr, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 60, nullable: true, editable: true)
- pedontype (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: pedontype, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 50, nullable: true, editable: true)
- pedonpurpose (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: pedonpurpose, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 50, nullable: true, editable: true)
- taxclname (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: taxclname, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 120, nullable: true, editable: true)
- labsourceid (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: labsourceid, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 7, nullable: true, editable: true)
- pedlabsampnum (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: pedlabsampnum, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 12, nullable: true, editable: true)
- utmnorthing (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: utmnorthing, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- utmeasting (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: utmeasting, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- elev (type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: elev, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- utmzone (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: utmzone, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- latdegrees (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: latdegrees, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- latminutes (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: latminutes, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- latseconds (type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: latseconds, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- latdir (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: latdir, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- longdegrees (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: longdegrees, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- longminutes (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: longminutes, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- longseconds (type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: longseconds, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- longdir (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: longdir, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- CoordUsed (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CoordUsed, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 50, nullable: true, editable: true)
- Legend_Grouping (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Legend_Grouping, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 50, nullable: true, editable: true)
ID: Soil Pedons
Name: Soil Pedons
Name: Soil Pedons
Drawing Tool: esriFeatureEditToolPoint
- Legend_Grouping: Soil Pedons
Is Data Versioned: false
Has Contingent Values: false
Supports Rollback On Failure Parameter: true
Last Edit Date: 10/3/2024 9:45:18 PM
Schema Last Edit Date: 11/15/2022 9:35:03 PM
Data Last Edit Date: 5/23/2022 10:04:19 PM
Supported Operations:
Query Top Features
Query Analytic
Query Bins
Generate Renderer
Validate SQL
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