Description: Ponds, Lakes, Fountains, and Pools in the National Capital Region, National Park Service. As of October 2022, this is the NCR Regional Dataset for hydrography polygons for ponds, lakes, fountains, pools, etc. This is the editable hosted feature layer.
Copyright Text: National Capital Region, National Park Service
Description: River and stream polygons for the National Capital Region, National Park Service. As of October 2022, this is the NCR Regional Dataset for hydrography polygons for rivers and streams. This is the editable hosted feature layer.
Copyright Text: National Capital Region, National Park Service
Description: Hydrography centerlines for streams, rivers, and canals in the National Capital Region, National Park Service. As of October 2022, this is the NCR Regional Dataset for hydrography centerlines. This is the editable hosted feature layer.
Copyright Text: National Capital Region, National Park Service