Description: This line feature class was created to be an all-inclusive trails data layer. One of the main resources for this updated feature class was for the trails shapefile that was originally created for the backcountry management Plan approved in January 1998 for general mapping and analysis. This feature class is intended for use within the park divisions, publications and other groups as needed.This feature class is still in work and is currently being updated on a regular basis. The trail locations are approximate until they are GPS verified. This metadata will be updated on a regular basis to reflect the completion of the data.Most of the trails were initially digitized from hand drawn maps. Accuracy is approximate. Some of the trails have been verified by GPS by the park trail crew and the GPS files have been used to replace the original digitized lines. Attribute accuracy is tested by interactive query and verification on the screen. As the trail crew improves and/ or relocates trails and the trails are ground truthed with GPS, the feature class will be updated in the geodatabase
Copyright Text: JOTR GIS Specialist - Anna Carroll
Description: This point feature class was created to be a comprehensive road data layer within Joshua Tree National Park's boundaries and to bring the data to NPS data standards. The purpose of this feature class is to give a visual representation of the road transportation network in the National Park. It was created to aid in the mapping and analysis efforts for all divisions within the park. This feature class is created from several previous versions of various roads layers for the park, including: rds_jeff.shp and roads.shp (both located in G:\gis_data\nps_JOTR\Facilities\Transportation\Roads), roads_updated feature class (located in G:\gis_data\nps_JOTR\Topo_database), TRANS_roads_ln (located in the G:\JOTR.gdb) This data is updated on an as needed basis by the GIS Specialist.
Description: This feature class depicts the current boundary of Joshua Tree National Park as of October 2016. This was created from the file (BND_park_py) located in the JOTR.gdb that included the historical park boundaries as well. The most current boundary was extrapolated from the original data by GIS Specialist Anna Carroll, to make analyses easier for current studies and mapping projects. See 'historical park boundary' for the historical boundaries.
Description: Shows areas within Joshua Tree National Park that are required to be managed as wilderness. These areas included potential wilderness, proposed wilderness, and full wilderness. NOTE: Type labeled as "Errata Additions" is full wilderness left out of the original 1976 legislation, however it was intended to include them. The problem was clarified in 1997.
Copyright Text: National Park Service, Joshua Tree National Park, GIS Office