Service Description: Within the compass of this heading is included a wide range of structures, the common denominator of all being the provision of means for negotiating a view. Lookouts may eventuate from the practical requirement of forest fire detection, or from determination on the part of designing technician or willful band of park users, hyper-view conscious, for something bigger and better and more distant in views than Nature unaided could achieve. Between the grimly functional lookout of the ranger and the utmost in aesthetic structural elevation contrived by the view-for-view's-sakers is greater distance than any park vista will ever provide. When it has been essayed to superimpose the too conscious aspirations of the aesthetic, on the structurally sufficient skeleton of the fire detection tower, the literally "crowning" error in park development has been committed. Probably a frank rendering of either extreme, free of gesture toward the other, is better than any hybrid produced by crossing the two irreconcilables. Examination of existing timber-framed trestle-type lookout towers for aesthetic values will prove disheartening. In general, the oil derrick as their inspirational source is painfully undisguised. This conclusion cannot be held in disparagement of the designers, if it be honestly admitted that they have valiantly sought to solve the unsolvable.
Service ItemId: e5f39cb881f94ad7abf1282ef5214c71
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: Within the compass of this heading is included a wide range of structures, the common denominator of all being the provision of means for negotiating a view. Lookouts may eventuate from the practical requirement of forest fire detection, or from determination on the part of designing technician or willful band of park users, hyper-view conscious, for something bigger and better and more distant in views than Nature unaided could achieve. Between the grimly functional lookout of the ranger and the utmost in aesthetic structural elevation contrived by the view-for-view's-sakers is greater distance than any park vista will ever provide. When it has been essayed to superimpose the too conscious aspirations of the aesthetic, on the structurally sufficient skeleton of the fire detection tower, the literally "crowning" error in park development has been committed. Probably a frank rendering of either extreme, free of gesture toward the other, is better than any hybrid produced by crossing the two irreconcilables. Examination of existing timber-framed trestle-type lookout towers for aesthetic values will prove disheartening. In general, the oil derrick as their inspirational source is painfully undisguised. This conclusion cannot be held in disparagement of the designers, if it be honestly admitted that they have valiantly sought to solve the unsolvable.
Copyright Text: Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
Facilities Management Division
Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -84.0023507067586
YMin: 35.2784826448396
XMax: -83.0636907932413
YMax: 35.9706172561605
Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)
Full Extent:
XMin: -83.943056
YMin: 35.4855825010001
XMax: -83.1229855
YMax: 35.7635174000001
Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
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