Description: The purpose of this study is to 1. Determine whether areas that receive high acid deposition also have higher levels of available aluminum and reduced levels of calcium and 2. Determine if the distribution and reproduction of plant species within spruce-fir forests (including A. fraseri) are correlated with levels of aluminum and calcium. This feature class contains point location data for vegetation plots in this study. Other associated data, such as locations of lysimeters and witness trees, are not included in this feature class.
Copyright Text: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
TRAIL (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: TRAIL, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 200, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Abrams Creek Campground Road: Abrams Creek Campground Road], [Abrams Creek water tank road: Abrams Creek water tank road], [Abrams Falls Trail: Abrams Falls Trail], ... 486 more ...)
ROAD (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: ROAD, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 200, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Foothills Parkway Section 8g: Foothills Parkway Section 8g], [Look Rock Campground Road A: Look Rock Campground Road A], [Look Rock Picnic Area Road A: Look Rock Picnic Area Road A], ... 666 more ...)