Service Description: Great Smoky Mountains National Park Spruce Fir Moss Spider Critical Habitat Polygon
Service ItemId: ad641bda0f784a3bb388bcb01fcac067
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Max Record Count: 2000
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Description: Spruce Fir Moss Spider Habitat - showing all regions of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park above 1,646 meters (5,400 feet.) Based on 66 FR 35547 35566: Swain County, North Carolina, and
Sevier County, Tennessee—all portions of the
GSMNP bounded to the north and to the
south of the North Carolina/Tennessee State
line (State line) by the 1,646-m (5,400-ft)
contour, from the intersection of the 1,646-
m (5,400-ft) contour with the State line, south
of Mingus Lead, Tennessee, southwest and
then west to the intersection of the 1,646-m
(5,400-ft) contour with the State line, east of
The Narrows and west of Jenkins Knob,
North Carolina, and Tennessee.
Unit 2: Sevier County, Tennessee—all
portions of the GSMNP at and above the
1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour, bounded on the
southwest side by the North Carolina/
Tennessee State line from the intersection of
the State line with the 1,646-m (5,400-ft)
contour near Dry Sluice Gap, southeast to the
intersection of the State line with the 1,646-
m (5,400-ft) contour at the head of Minnie
Ball Branch, North Carolina, northwest of
Newfound Gap, North Carolina, and
Critical habitat is defined in section
3(5)(A) of the Act as (i) the specific areas
within the geographic area occupied by
the species on which are found those
physical or biological features (I)
essential to the conservation of the
species and (II) that may require special management considerations or
protection; and (ii) specific areas
outside the geographical area occupied
by the species at the time it is listed,
upon a determination that such areas
are essential for the conservation of the
species. Areas outside the geographical
area currently occupied by the species
shall be designated as critical habitat
only when a designation limited to its
present range would be inadequate to
ensure the conservation of the species.
Copyright Text: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Spatial Reference: 26917 (26917)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 264812.44859286
YMin: 3926812.80072751
XMax: 291461.03975866
YMax: 3957726.85577247
Spatial Reference: 26917 (26917)
Full Extent:
XMin: 268086.228981901
YMin: 3935409.98194737
XMax: 284978.198070322
YMax: 3949673.68702549
Spatial Reference: 26917 (26917)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
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