Service Description: Great Smoky Mountains National Park Road Bridges
Service ItemId: bdb407bc0d214865897907dadbff2339
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: BRIDGES IN PARKS include foot, bridle trail, and vehicle bridges of widely varying widths, spans, heights, and types of construction. In the interest of limiting the classifications within this compilation, the less frequent underpass and the minor culvert are embraced within this section. In outward appearance, the bridge calls most importantly for visible assurance of strength and stability. To be entirely successful, it is not enough for the bridge to be functionally adequate within the exact knowledge of the engineer; it must proclaim itself so to the inexact instincts of the layman. In gesture to the lay concept of structural sufficiency, it is pardonable park practice to venture well beyond sheer engineering perfection in the scaling of materials to stresses and strains. The attainment of the little more that is so desired by those who would have an eye-appeal scale brought to the slide-rule, is all too rare in park bridges. Rather is there a too prevalent flimsiness, ocular rather than structural. Considerably fewer bridges fail to satisfy by seeming too ponderous for their function. After the attainment of a sufficiency in material pleasing to the eye, the next demand to be made upon bridges would be for variety, avoiding the commonplace at one extreme, and the fantastic at the other. The ranges of use, span and height, and the broad fields of materials, arch and truss forms, local practices among other variety making possibilities promise endless combinations and cross combinations that could make for such individuality among bridges that none need ever appear the close counterpart of another.
Copyright Text: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -83.9302282853572
YMin: 35.5025648725265
XMax: -83.4784372010415
YMax: 35.7522821264028
Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)
Full Extent:
XMin: -83.9983045609999
YMin: 35.4518428120001
XMax: -83.072679022
YMax: 35.81871776
Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Child Resources:
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