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Service Description: Great Smoky Mountains National Park GRTS Sample Area

Service ItemId: 8fcf0b0a335043fe82be2a5c77ec6224

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Description: The GRSM Vegetation and Soil monitoring plot locations were chosen through a GRTS design (Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified). In order to implement GRTS, a sampling frame of all possible sampling areas is needed. This layer serves as that sampling frame.General sampling area& non-target masking The sample area was selected from within the 6 Vital Signs primary watersheds, which are Abrams Creek, Cataloochee Creek, Deep Creek, Hazel Creek, Little Pigeon River/Porters Creek, and Little River/Goshen Prong. Within these watersheds, the sampling area was masked to remove areas with slope >70%, as well as areas mapped as heath balds (these are considered non-forested, and so fall outside of our protocol for forest monitoring). Also, all area within 30 meters of a road, trail, social trail, or maintained front-country area was masked out. Accounting for feasibility of access Based on experiences of previous monitoring efforts and the 2015 pilot project for this protocol, a decision was made to limit sampling area based on feasibility of access. Several algorithms for determining feasible area were tested, and the one chosen uses a combination of modeled Total travel time to the plot location from our office, and the portion of that time that was modeled as being off-trail. The general rule is that the more time it takes to reach a plot location, the less amount of time we are willing to commit to off trail travel. This method of feasibility modeling created a sampling area that is both feasible and creates higher crew safety by not committing to long off-trail hikes once in the backcountry of the park. The feasibility design limits the sampling area to the following categories:1. Areas < 2 hours from Twin Creeks Science Center, and up to 90 minutes off trail2. Areas between 2-3 hours from Twin Creeks Science Center, and up to 60 minutes off trail3. Areas between 3 and 8 hours from Twin Creeks Science Center, and up to 30 minutes off trail. of Elevation The last step in the sampling area creation was to stratified the area based on both watershed and elevation. The area was divided into watersheds, then again into elevational strata of Low, Medium and High:Low Elevation Band: Less than 800m (2624')Mid Elevation Band: 800m - 1300m (2624' - 4265')High Elevation Band: Greater than 1300/ (4265')These chosen elevation bands produce 18 Watershed X Elevation strata. Of these, 2 strata were of too small area to be considered for sampling, and so were removed (Cataloochee Creek - Low Elevation, and Abrams Creek - High Elevation).

Copyright Text: Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriDecimalDegrees

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