Service Description: Great Smoky Mountains National Park Geology
Service ItemId: 72ed48c8dbe94241992c5b6505ad41e6
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: The Digital Geologic Units of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Vicinity, Tennessee and North Carolina consists of geologic units mapped as area (polygon) features. The data were completed as a component of the Geologic Resources Evaluation (GRE) program, a National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring (I) funded program that is administered by the NPS Geologic Resources Division (GRD). The data were captured, grouped and attributed as per the NPS GRE Geology-GIS Geodatabase Data Model v. 1.3.1. (available at: The data layer is available as a feature class in a 9.1 personal geodatabase (grsm_geology.mdb). Attributed geologic contact lines that define the geologic unit polygons are present within the Geologic Contacts (GRSMGLGA) data layer. The Geologic Units (GRSMGLG) GIS data layer is also available as a coverage export (.E00) file (GRSMGLG.E00), and as a shapefile (.SHP) file (GRSMGLG.SHP). Each GIS data format has an ArcGIS 9.1 layer (.LYR) file (GRSMGLG_GDB.LYR (geodatabase feature class), GRSMGLG_COV.LYR (coverage), GRSMGLG_SHP.LYR (shapefile) with map symbology that is included with the GIS data. See the Distribution Information section for additional information on data acquisition. The GIS data projection is NAD83, UTM Zone 17N. That data is within the area of interest of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This dataset is just one component of the Digital Geologic Map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Vicinity, Tennessee and North Carolina. The data layers (feature classes) that comprise the Digital Geologic Map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Vicinity, Tennessee and North Carolina include: GRSMAML (Alteration and Metamorphic Lines), GRSMATD (Geologic Attitude and Observation Points), GRSMFLD (Folds), GRSMFLT (Faults), GRSMGLG (Geologic Units), GRSMGLGA (Geologic Contacts), GRSMGPT (Point Geologic Features), GRSMGSL (Geologic Sample Localities), GRSMMIN (Mine Point Features), GRSMSEC (Cross Section Lines), GRSMSUR (Surficial Geologic Units), GRSMSURA (Surficial Contacts) and GRSMSYM (Fault Symbology). There are three additional ancillary map components, the Geologic Unit Information (GRSMGLG1) Table, the Source Map Information (GRSMMAP) Table and the Map Help File (GRSM_GEOLOGY.HLP). Refer to the NPS GRE Geology-GIS Geodatabase Data Model v. 1.3.1 (available at: for detailed data layer (feature class) and table specifications including attribute field parameters, definitions and domains, and implemented topology rules and relationship classes.
Copyright Text: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Spatial Reference: 26917 (26917)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 196832.04125791
YMin: 3907643.54753843
XMax: 350076.919028136
YMax: 3984510.16245568
Spatial Reference: 26917 (26917)
Full Extent:
XMin: 227940.150541453
YMin: 3923599.19999718
XMax: 318968.809744594
YMax: 3968554.50999694
Spatial Reference: 26917 (26917)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
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