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GRSM_BUILDINGS (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Great Smoky Mountains National Park Buildings

Service ItemId: 852a2d8865d44f8ebfdcb5ae0e23bca1

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True

Supports Shared Templates: False


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Description: This metadata record describes details of National Park Service (NPS) buildings spatial data contributed to the NPS buildings aggregated dataset by the park unit specified in the NPS Unit element of this metadata record. The data files referred to in this record are the NPS Buildings aggregated point and polygons shapefiles, not the individual park unit shapefiles. The NPS Buildings aggregated point and polygons shapefiles are in the NPS Buildings Data Transfer Standard. This data transfer standard describes a model for buildings depicted using points and polygons. This data set includes both buildings that currently exist as well as sites of those that have been relocated or destroyed. Only features of a non sensitive nature and freely available to the public are included (although the model has been designed to accommodate sensitive data in the future, if needed). Multiple point and polygon geometries may coexist and are differentiated by point and polygon type. All buildings of interest to the National Park Service are included, including those not owned by the NPS but located within authorized park boundaries and facilities that are leased by the NPS and cooperators which are located outside park boundaries. Only structures with a roof, commonly enclosed by walls, and designed for storage, human occupancy or shelters for animals are included. Other structures not designed for occupancy such as fences or bridges are excluded. Buildings include offices, warehouses, post offices, hospitals, prisons, schools, housing and storage units. Attribute data are intentionally limited to those necessary for spatial data maintenance and stewardship. Data from external database systems are not included. The means to maintain unique identifiers for each building (BuildingID) is through use of Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) assigned by the database. Information about the source and vintage of individual points and polygons are documented within the Edit_Date and Polygon_Notes attributes. An accurate representation of all current and former buildings that are of interest to the NPS is required by many programmatic functions, including but not limited to Facilities, Structural Fire, Homeland Security and Cultural/Natural Resource Management. Building information is also needed by NPS personnel, cooperators, and the public for map display and analysis. This data set is intended to be a comprehensive inventory of all buildings of interest to the NPS. This data set provides feature geometry and is intended to be supplemented with attributes maintained by other external database systems. This is the NPS GIS buildings data transfer standard that has been modified for public use. This standard is sponsored by the NPS GIS Committee in cooperation with the Resource Information Management Division. The principal data steward shall be the RIMD through the coordinated contributions and stewardship of many parks and programs. The National Park Service (NPS) manages nearly 400 sites, including national parks, monuments, seashores and recreation areas. Other sites are located outside park boundaries and support administrative, research, inventory and monitoring functions of the Service. Together these sites include a wide variety of contemporary and historic buildings, as well as locations of former buildings, owned, managed, or used by the NPS. Many programmatic functions of the Service require geographic and attribute information about these features, including Facilities Management, Structural Fire, Protection, Homeland Security, and Cultural/Natural Resource Management. Geospatial data for these features have traditionally been collected by individual parks without formal standards and in a variety of formats. Several NPS programs have inventoried and assigned unique identifiers for building structures, but only for those features meeting program specific purposes. No single inventory includes all the buildings of interest to parks and the Service. In order to create an enterprise data set for the NPS, the NPS GIS Program is adopting a series of data standards that meet the needs of national programs, park based analysis, and efficient data exchange with national initiatives such as The National Map. The most effective and recommended strategy to accomplish this goal is to develop a normalized database with related data in external tables. The NPS Building Geodatabase Implementation Plan provides the preferred NPS solution and should be utilized whenever possible. This NPS Building Polygon Transfer Standard should only be used if the geodatabase solution is impractical for a specific application or to transfer buildings data in the most generic format possible. The attributes in this standard are stored with the feature geometry. This buildings data layer accommodates multiple building feature types within the same data set. For example, building polygons have building perimeters, envelope polygons, building buffers and obscured polygons. All of which can exist for the same building.

Copyright Text: Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Spatial Reference: 4269 (4269)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriDecimalDegrees

Child Resources:   Replicas   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates   Create Replica   Synchronize Replica   Unregister Replica