Description: Post-Storm shoreline for GATE derived utilizing a MHW Shoreline Derivation tool and the "2012 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX) Topobathy Lidar: Post Super Storm Sandy - Coastal New Jersey and New York" LiDAR dataset. This particular LiDAR dataset was chosen as it was the only post-Sandy LiDAR dataset available. Shoreline derived for the ocean-side of the island only.
Copyright Text: National Park Service, North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit.
Description: Post-Storm shoreline for GATE derived utilizing a MHW Shoreline Derivation tool and the "EAARL-B Coastal Topography--Eastern New Jersey, Hurricane Sandy, 2012: First Surface, Post-Sandy" LiDAR dataset. This particular LiDAR dataset was chosen due to it's temportal proximity to the landfall of Hurricane Sandy. Shoreline derived for the ocean-side of the island only.
Copyright Text: National Park Service, North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit.
Description: Post-Storm shoreline for GATE derived utilizing a MHW Shoreline Derivation tool and the "2012 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX) Topobathy Lidar: Post Super Storm Sandy - Coastal New Jersey and New York" LiDAR dataset. This particular LiDAR dataset was chosen as it provides partial coverage of the bay area of Jamaica Bay. Shoreline derived for the ocean-side of the island only.
Copyright Text: National Park Service, North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit.