Description: Layer supplied by Death Valley National Park GIS Program Manager. Layer was trimmed for SCA's field collection efforts, with all roads outside of park boundaries removed from the dataset.
RoadAltNam (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: FMSSName, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 100, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [RTE 318 Padre Point Road: RTE 318 Padre Point Road], [RTE-108 Death Valley Road/Big Pine Road SHARED NPS/COUNTY: RTE-108 Death Valley Road/Big Pine Road SHARED NPS/COUNTY], [RTE410 Grapevine Boneyard Road: RTE410 Grapevine Boneyard Road], ... 131 more ...)
RoadAltNam (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: FMSSName, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 100, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [RTE 318 Padre Point Road: RTE 318 Padre Point Road], [RTE-108 Death Valley Road/Big Pine Road SHARED NPS/COUNTY: RTE-108 Death Valley Road/Big Pine Road SHARED NPS/COUNTY], [RTE410 Grapevine Boneyard Road: RTE410 Grapevine Boneyard Road], ... 131 more ...)
Description: SCA and NPS created point feature class designed for collection of non-damage features along or related to unpaved roads in Death Valley National Park. Collection categories consist of:CulvertsGatesNarrow CanyonsSigns
Description: NPS and SCA created point feature class designed to capture relevant information about observed damage to unpaved roads within Death Valley National Park. Categories for collection within this feature class include:Cattle Guard - Damaged Driving SurfaceCattle Guard - Damaged GatesCattle Guard - Damaged WingsCattle Guard - Silted InCulvert - Blocked by VegetationCulvert - Buried PipeCulvert - Full of DebrisCulvert - Crushed PipeCulvert - Pipe ExposedGraffiti - PaintGraffiti - Dirt DrawingGraffiti - CarvingObstacles - RockObstacles - HoleObstacles - Eroded LedgeObstacles - OtherSignage - DamagedSignage - MissingPothole - SinglePothole - MultipleVegetation - Tree Removal
FMSSRoad (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: FMSSRoad, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 100, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [RTE 318 Padre Point Road: RTE 318 Padre Point Road], [RTE-108 Death Valley Road/Big Pine Road SHARED NPS/COUNTY: RTE-108 Death Valley Road/Big Pine Road SHARED NPS/COUNTY], [RTE410 Grapevine Boneyard Road: RTE410 Grapevine Boneyard Road], ... 131 more ...)
LocationID (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: LocationID, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 100, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Father Crowley Point Road: 111171], [Death Valley / Big Pine Road: 60875], [Grapevine Boneyard Road: 103239], ... 461 more ...)
Description: NPS and SCA created line feature class designed to capture relevant information about observed damage to unpaved roads within Death Valley National Park. Categories for collection within this feature class include:Dense VegetationDitch - Silted InDitch - Excessively ErodedFence - DamagedFence - DestroyedTraffic Control Structure - Berm DamageTraffic Control Structure - Ditch DamageTraffic Control Structure - Rock BarrierHigh BermRoad Surface - Low AreaRoad Surface - High AreaRoad Surface - Road MissingRoad Surface - Sand TrapRoad Surface - WashboardRoad Surface - Water Affected
Description: Layer supplied by Death Valley National Park GIS Program Manager. Layer was trimmed for SCA's field collection efforts, with all roads outside of park boundaries removed from the dataset.
Description: SCA created line feature class which captures either dominant or only route of travel along unpaved roadways inside Death Valley National Park.
Description: SCA and NPS created line feature class designed for collection of non-damage features along or related to unpaved roads in Death Valley National Park. Collection categories consist of:CutbankOHV IncursionWash Bottom
Description: NPS and SCA created line feature class designed to capture relevant information about observed damage to unpaved roads within Death Valley National Park. Categories for collection within this feature class include:Dense VegetationDitch - Silted InDitch - Excessively ErodedFence - DamagedFence - DestroyedTraffic Control Structure - Berm DamageTraffic Control Structure - Ditch DamageTraffic Control Structure - Rock BarrierHigh BermRoad Surface - Low AreaRoad Surface - High AreaRoad Surface - Road MissingRoad Surface - Sand TrapRoad Surface - WashboardRoad Surface - Water Affected