This dataset was developed by digitizing 2018 USGS LiDAR-derived marsh boundaries and 2019 ASIS ocean and bayside shoreline surveys. Ocean shorelines are based entirely on ASIS surveys, while bayside shorelines are based on both USGS LiDAR and ASIS surveys. ASIS bayside surveys were measured only for the northernmost 9.5 kilometers of the island and the southernmost 5 kilometers including Tom's Cove and hook. The remaining bayside shoreline was not surveyed by ASIS due to limited accessibility. Where USGS LiDAR and ASIS surveys overlapped, more recent ASIS surveys were used. LiDAR data holes were verified using 2019 State of Maryland aerial imagery and best available imagery for Virginia. Holes that were isolated from the bay were included in the physical boundary polygon, while holes with direct connections to the bay were not included in the physical boundary. Channel connections to the bay were digitized and excluded from the physical boundary using aerial imagery.