Description: NPS Alaska Regional Road Spatial Data Standard Conceptual Model (DRAFT).
Lines representing a structure erected over a depression or an obstruction such as water and having a track for carrying traffic or other moving loads. Bridges are typically mapped using a mapping grade recievers or digitized using current imagery. Roads maintained by NPS are linked to the FMSS_ID. Only those bridges designeated as appropriate for public display are shown here.
Copyright Text: AK Department of Transportation, M.Johnson(NPS,Kotzebue), J.Cusick(NPS, Anchorage), URS(Anchorage), D.Kurtz (NPS,Kenai Fjords), Jon Paynter, B. Schroeder, Steve Homan, (NPS, Denali NP&P), B. Mangipane, (NPS,Lake Clark NP&P), J.Wilbarger, A.Baldwin (NPS,Klondike NP), J.Scott, E.Guthrie, J.Baker S. Southworth, D. Rosenkrans-retired, E. Olson, (Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P), W.Rapp, R.Sherman, D.Vinson (Katmai NP&P), L.Fano, B. Eichenlaub, (Glacier Bay NP&P), C. Smith (Sitka NHP), D. Difolco, A.Freeburg, J.Rasic (Yukon Charley NP), Pat Biard, Michigan Technological University, Social Sciences Department), K. Meyer, B.Anderson (Alaska Regional Office, Natural Resources), D.Gewalt, S. Fierrea (Alaska Regional Office, Cultural Resources), B.Merrill, Paul Schrooten (Alaska Regional Office, Planning), S.Vantrease, B.Huebner, B.Harris (Alaska Regional Office, EPD), B. Strobe, S. Devenney (Alaska Regional Office, Lands). Private companies under contract included Aerometric, Anchorage Alaska, Walker Alaska, Anchorage Alaska, Aeromap, Anchorage Alaska, Quantum Spatial, Anchorage Alaska, R&M Consultants, Anchorage Alaska, Dowl Engineers, Anchorage Alaska
Description: NPS Alaska Regional Road Spatial Data Standard Conceptual Model (DRAFT).
Lines representing a structure erected over a depression or an obstruction such as water and having a track for carrying traffic or other moving loads. Bridges are typically mapped using a mapping grade recievers or digitized using current imagery. Roads maintained by NPS are linked to the FMSS_ID. Only those bridges designeated as appropriate for public display are shown here.
Copyright Text: AK Department of Transportation, M.Johnson(NPS,Kotzebue), J.Cusick(NPS, Anchorage), URS(Anchorage), D.Kurtz (NPS,Kenai Fjords), Jon Paynter, B. Schroeder, Steve Homan, (NPS, Denali NP&P), B. Mangipane, (NPS,Lake Clark NP&P), J.Wilbarger, A.Baldwin (NPS,Klondike NP), J.Scott, E.Guthrie, J.Baker S. Southworth, D. Rosenkrans-retired, E. Olson, (Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P), W.Rapp, R.Sherman, D.Vinson (Katmai NP&P), L.Fano, B. Eichenlaub, (Glacier Bay NP&P), C. Smith (Sitka NHP), D. Difolco, A.Freeburg, J.Rasic (Yukon Charley NP), Pat Biard, Michigan Technological University, Social Sciences Department), K. Meyer, B.Anderson (Alaska Regional Office, Natural Resources), D.Gewalt, S. Fierrea (Alaska Regional Office, Cultural Resources), B.Merrill, Paul Schrooten (Alaska Regional Office, Planning), S.Vantrease, B.Huebner, B.Harris (Alaska Regional Office, EPD), B. Strobe, S. Devenney (Alaska Regional Office, Lands). Private companies under contract included Aerometric, Anchorage Alaska, Walker Alaska, Anchorage Alaska, Aeromap, Anchorage Alaska, Quantum Spatial, Anchorage Alaska, R&M Consultants, Anchorage Alaska, Dowl Engineers, Anchorage Alaska