Description: Storms from IBTrACS that achieved a rating of at least 4 on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale classification.
Storms reported from 1842 to 2015.
IBTrACS v03r07 accessed from NCDC on 12/22/2015.
Knapp, K. R., M. C. Kruk, D. H. Levinson, H. J. Diamond, and C. J. Neumann, 2010: The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS): Unifying tropical cyclone best track data.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91, 363-376.
non-gonvernment domain doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2755.1
Copyright Text: IBTrACS v03r07 accessed from NCDC on 12/22/2015;
Description: Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost and Ground Ice Conditions, Version 2, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Data and summary from
The circumpolar permafrost and ground ice data contribute to a unified international data set that depicts the distribution and properties of permafrost and ground ice in the Northern Hemisphere (20°N to 90°N). The re-gridded data set shows discontinuous, sporadic, or isolated permafrost boundaries. Permafrost extent is estimated in percent area (90-100%, 50-90%, 10-50%, less than 10%, and no permafrost). Relative abundance of ground ice in the upper 20 m is estimated in percent volume (greater than 20%, 10-20%, less than 10%, and 0%). The data set also contains the location of subsea and relict permafrost. the gridded data are gridded at 12.5 km, 25 km, and 0.5 degree resolution. The shapefiles were derived from the original 1:10,000,000 paper map (Brown et al. 1997)
Permafrost, or permanently frozen ground, is ground (soil, sediment, or rock) that remains at or below 0°C for at least two years (Permafrost Subcommittee, 1988). It occurs both on land and beneath offshore arctic continental shelves, and underlies about 22% of the Earth's land surface.
For more information on the creation of the original map, see Heginbottom et al. (1993). The original paper map also includes information on the relative abundance of ice wedges, massive ice bodies and Pingos, ranges of permafrost temperature and thickness (Brown et al. 1997).
This layer is derived from the CircumArctic_Permafrost layer by removing codes 22 - 25 and dissolving by Permafrost Extent, and then generalized.
Copyright Text: Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost and Ground Ice Conditions, Version 2, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Description: Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost and Ground Ice Conditions, Version 2, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Data and summary from
The circumpolar permafrost and ground ice data contribute to a unified international data set that depicts the distribution and properties of permafrost and ground ice in the Northern Hemisphere (20°N to 90°N). The re-gridded data set shows discontinuous, sporadic, or isolated permafrost boundaries. Permafrost extent is estimated in percent area (90-100%, 50-90%, 10-50%, less than 10%, and no permafrost). Relative abundance of ground ice in the upper 20 m is estimated in percent volume (greater than 20%, 10-20%, less than 10%, and 0%). The data set also contains the location of subsea and relict permafrost. the gridded data are gridded at 12.5 km, 25 km, and 0.5 degree resolution. The shapefiles were derived from the original 1:10,000,000 paper map (Brown et al. 1997)
Permafrost, or permanently frozen ground, is ground (soil, sediment, or rock) that remains at or below 0°C for at least two years (Permafrost Subcommittee, 1988). It occurs both on land and beneath offshore arctic continental shelves, and underlies about 22% of the Earth's land surface.
For more information on the creation of the original map, see Heginbottom et al. (1993). The original paper map also includes information on the relative abundance of ice wedges, massive ice bodies and Pingos, ranges of permafrost temperature and thickness (Brown et al. 1997).
This layer is derived from the CircumArctic_Permafrost layer by removing codes 22 - 25 and dissolving by Permafrost Extent, and then generalized.
Copyright Text: Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost and Ground Ice Conditions, Version 2, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Description: Major wind driven ocean currents of the world, represented as polylines. Currents are color coded to indicate warm and cold currents. See Major_Ocean_Currents_arrowPolys for (polygon) layer optimized for cartographic display with arrowheads and varying widths for different scales.
The ocean currents data was compiled from the NOAA National Weather Service ( and the US Army (
Copyright Text: NOAA, National Weather Service, US Army,
Description: Major wind driven ocean currents of the world, represented as polygons optimized for cartographic display with arrowheads at scales smaller than 1:100,000,000. This layer is a copied subset of Major_Ocean_Currents_arrowPolys features whose SCALE = 100,000,000. Currents are color coded to indicate warm and cold currents.
The ocean currents data was compiled from the NOAA National Weather Service ( and the US Army (
Copyright Text: NOAA, National Weather Service, US Army,
Description: Major wind driven ocean currents of the world, represented as polygons optimized for cartographic display with arrowheads at scales between 1:30,000,000 - 1:100,000,000. This layer is a copied subset of Major_Ocean_Currents_arrowPolys features whose SCALE = 30,000,000. Currents are color coded to indicate warm and cold currents.
The ocean currents data was compiled from the NOAA National Weather Service ( and the US Army (
Copyright Text: NOAA, National Weather Service, US Army,
Description: Major wind driven ocean currents of the world, represented as polygons optimized for cartographic display with arrowheads at scales between 1:5,000,000 - 1:30,000,000. This layer is a copied subset of Major_Ocean_Currents_arrowPolys features whose SCALE = 5,000,000. Currents are color coded to indicate warm and cold currents.
The ocean currents data was compiled from the NOAA National Weather Service ( and the US Army (
Copyright Text: NOAA, National Weather Service, US Army,
Description: Major wind driven ocean currents of the world, represented as polygons optimized for cartographic display with arrowheads at scales larger than 1:5,000,000. This layer is a copied subset of Major_Ocean_Currents_arrowPolys features whose SCALE = 1,000,000. Currents are color coded to indicate warm and cold currents.
The ocean currents data was compiled from the NOAA National Weather Service ( and the US Army (
Copyright Text: NOAA, National Weather Service, US Army,
Description: Major wind driven ocean currents of the world, represented as polygons optimized for cartographic display with arrowheads. Four copies of each arrow feature are available, each with different thicknesses for viewing at different scales - use the SCALE field to filter for the desired scale. Currents are color coded to indicate warm and cold currents.
The ocean currents data was compiled from the NOAA National Weather Service ( and the US Army (
Copyright Text: NOAA, National Weather Service, US Army,