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Erosion_Susceptibility_Set (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Erosion Susceptibility Set includes: Erosion Sites, Erosion Susceptibility

Service ItemId: a3bb382f512e4c7b803a3db8ad7a8a85

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 1000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

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Description: Connecticut Erosion Susceptibility a 1:24,000-scale, polygon feature-based layer that was developed as a predictive tool to show areas most susceptible to terrace escarpment type erosion. The layer compiled from the soils and quaternary geology data layers and was field tested during October-December, 2005. The Erosion Susceptilibity layer was developed as part of Project #03-02 Statewide GIS Analysis and Mapping of the Geologic Conditions Contributing to Eroding Terrace Escarpments. The layer does not represent eroding conditions at any one particular point in time, but rather base or general conditions which can be accounted for during planning or management strategies. The layer includes 4 types of areas susceptible to erosion, ranked 1 (most susceptible) through 4, and their descriptive attribute. Areas outside of the mapped polygons can be considered less susceptible to erosion. Data is compiled at 1:24,000 scale. This data is not updated. Connecticut Erosion Sites is a site specific, point feature-based layer developed at 1:24,000-scale that includes decriptive information regarding the character of the erosion (severity, slope, geologic factors) at selected locations through out the state. The layer is based on information collected and compiled during October-December, 2005 while field testing the applicability of the Erosion Susceptilibity layer developed as part of Project #03-02 Statewide GIS Analysis and Mapping of the Geologic Conditions Contributing to Eroding Terrace Escarpments. The layer represents conditions at a particular point in time. The layer includes 83 locations and descriptive attributes (site name, severity of erosion, description, etc) as well as attributes from a spatial join with merged soils and quaternary geology layers. Features are point locations that represent the selected study areas within the state; it is NOT a comprehensive inventory of erosion locations. Data is compiled at 1:24,000 scale. This data is not updated.

Copyright Text: CTDEEP

Spatial Reference: 102656 (2234)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriFeet

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   Create Replica