ArcGIS REST Services Directory

SVI_Flood_Redlands_CA_WFL (FeatureServer)

View In:   Map Viewer

Service Description: The map layers include a social vulnerability and flood hazard layer as well as the intersection of those two layers within the city of Redlands. The social vulnerability layer only includes the polygons that were high or medium high.

Service ItemId: c891b884d473464aaf658a8061be0d24

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 1000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

All Layers and Tables



Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates