ArcGIS REST Services Directory

Fish_High_Mountain_Lakes (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: The fish dataset presents results from High Mountain Lakes (HML), SLIP (Sierra Lakes Inventory), and Redwood Sciences Laboratory (RSL) project fishery surveys. Both projects collected data on high elevation waters in the Sierra Nevada and mountains of Northern California using a standard protocol. Surveys of fish, amphibians, habitat, and stream barriers were done at each site between late-May and October. Fish surveys were mainly done using standardized 6 panel monofilament gill nets, set for 8-12 hours. Fish species, length, weight, and sex are recorded for each individual. As many sites were only visited once, the data presented represent a "snapshot" view of the fish population in a particular lake. SLIP surveys were done in the John Muir Wilderness by Roland Knapps crews in 1995-1996. HML surveys were done in Regions 2, 4 and 6 by CA DFW crews between 2001 and 2010. CDFW crews did not survey within National Park boundaries and no SLIP data from National Parks is included here. RSL surveys were conducted between 2001 and 2006, and additional surveys in Northern California ranges were conducted by HML crews in 2008 and 2010. As of May 2010, approximately 85% of the total mapped waters in the High Mountain Lakes range have been surveyed. It should be noted that the High Mountain Lakes expanded in 2007 to include water bodies in cascades frog range. "Baseline" survey types indicate a full survey was done at the site, including amphibian, fish, habitat characteristics, tributary characteristics, and photos. Generally this survey type occurs during the initial visit to a particular site. "Monitoring" surveys are repeat surveys of fish or amphibian populations at a site, and generally do not include habitat or stream barrier data. WHAT EACH RECORD REPRESENTS: This dataset represents field data collected in high elevation Sierra Nevada and Northern California lakes, meadows, streams, and springs. If no fish were observed, each record represents a single fish survey. If fish are present, a record exists for each species observed during a single survey. According to protocol, lakes with fish are surveyed with gill nets and re-surveyed every fifteen years. Lakes with gill net surveys have average, maximum, and minimum fish length and weight for each species caught at each lake. Visual surveys took place in meadows and streams; if fish were present in these waters a record exists which identifies the species. Lakes are identified by a unique "CA Lakes" identifying number corresponding to CDFWs CA_Lakes.shp GIS dataset. Some sites may not yet exist on CA_Lakes.shp: the GIS dataset is updated annually with data obtained by HML crews and digitized by CDFW Staff. Stream sites do not exist on CA_Lakes, but HML is surveying and monitoring streams with known yellow-legged frog populations, and these surveys are part of the amphibian dataset. All sites presented in this dataset are represented on the High_mountain_lakes.shp GIS dataset. Contact Sarah Mussulman (916) 358-2838 for additional information about High_mountain_lakes.shp.

Service ItemId: 03cac9d2750a40a58878527c9f043d73

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Spatial Reference: 3310 (3310)

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Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates